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The Word is Out! Read Our Testimonials

I first worked with Tracey when our business started to create an investment deck for Seed round funding.


Over the course of 3 months, Tracey took us through a structured and intensive workshop. This took us back to the beginning and our reason why. Working on the business for several years, we had found we had traveled off our North Star course.


Having a business strategy consultant like Tracey brings a fresh perspective. A perspective that is objective, supportive, and with years of experience. So much did we value Tracey’s dynamic and strategic mind that we invited her to join our Advisory Board.


We were just then in negotiations with a major UK bank and Global Recruitment Agency. With Tracey’s background, she was invaluable in helping us navigate the complex nature of a large institution. From the trials and tribulations of procurement to running the committee gauntlet, Tracey has experience on both sides: the vendor and the buyer.


We would recommend start-up colleagues that they consider working with Tracey on all current and future ventures.

Rory - CEO and co-founder of mentorXchange

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